iPhone 11 Pro Max Teardown – Tiny Motherboard & BIG Battery!

the apples iphone have actually constantly been a few of the most complex phones to take apart you'' ll see why throughout this video clip but there'' s no other way we could let this iphone 11 professional max flagship slip by without seeing the withins this is one of the most water resistant mainstream smart device money can buy right now so it'' s time to see what assists keep water out and just how repairable it really is allow'' s get going [Music] [Applause] [Music] because primarily day one'of the initial iphone ' s existence apple has actually been in business of trying to maintain individuals out of their phones and this brand-new apple iphone appears to be no various it has the exact same exclusive pentalobe screws holding all-time low of the screen to the stainless-steel structure of the phone it uses a screwdriver that'' s rather easy to find online but lots of people don'' t immediately have it handy i'' ll leave a web link for a good tool package in the summary looking carefully at the screw it has black thread locker loading the spaces in between the threads and the phone body this assists keep the screw in position along with helps maintain water out the biggest opening for water to obtain inside the phone though is the display there is glue surrounding the entire rectangular shape in order to draw the display off i'' ll requirement to make use of heat to soften that adhesive and also a solid suction mug to draw on the screen while adding some utilize with my pry device in between the plastic lip as well as the stainless-steel structure as i work my means around either side of the phone lifting off the display screen you can see the substantial amount of stringy gooey black adhesive that holds the parts together i'' m taking unique like avoid the bow wires hiding along the edge of the right side these cable televisions are around as breakable as paper and can be torn really quickly you'' ll get a better consider them as the display takes off they ' re down there via those gooey strands in the beginning glimpse points look rather common for the iphone a lots of screws and also the substantial l-shaped battery thumbs as much as apple for adding battery life and also density to their phones this year rather of trying to go thinner i'' m additionally thankful that the bows are erroneous sideways in 2014 had an arbitrary ribbon cable coming from the center that made the screen removal fairly a little bit harder the front cam as well as face scanner are tucked up in the top of the phone i'' ll remove these 6 y triple no screws holding the center plate over the top of the screen ribbon adapters one of those screws is less complicated to access from the opposite side of the display if you close as well as scooch it over a little bit as well as take an appearance at that motherboard it'' s lego connector main up in below pleased birthday celebration to myself i'' ll remove an additional 4 y triple no screws that hold the leading safety metal plate and side ribbon overview down over the electronic camera systems and there are two even more screws holding down the tiny plate over the battery port before i disconnect that battery though i intend to make sure this entire thing still functions and that nothing was harmed throughout the display elimination tapping the power button shows the apple logo and also the phone activates which application ought to i test to see to it the phone still works maybe i should make use of today'' s fund audible that was practical distinct is really one of my favored applications guide i'' m currently listening to is called the male who recognized the means to the moon and also is among the audible originals it seems even more like a verbal docudrama than a narration i generally readjust the speed to be a bit faster than typical so i can make it through even more info quicker it'' s a true story concerning the guy who persuaded nasa to make use of area meet factors rather than one gigantically large rocket it'' s incredibly intriguing you can get a cost-free sound book plus two audible originals when you try audible for 1 month with the link in the summary audible.com jerryrig or text words jerryrig to 500 500.

The audible original titles originate from varied categories like cinema journalism literature and also the docudrama styles like the one i'' m listening to currently even if you determine to terminate distinct eventually in the future you still reach maintain your books they'' re yours to possess for life audible.com jerryrig or text jerry rigged to 500 500 as well as thanks to audible for sponsoring this video i'' ll unclip the battery adapter like a little lego from this assortment of lego ports the battery really has 2 adapters one is located down listed below by the charging port so when clipping both of those is a good concept now i simply didn'' t understand the 2nd one existed till later i'' ll unclip one of the charging port ribbons and after that i'' ll make my method down to the 3 major ribbons holding the display to the body of the phone the display is dramatically a lot more basic this year than it has actually been for the previous years which is definitely valued it just has three screws holding the earpiece to the back of the display apple throws phillips head screws arbitrarily in occasionally throughout the phone so for those of you adhering to along in the house this is the 3rd sort of screwdriver we'' ve used thus far the earpiece folds down which allows us tear away the front sensing units from the glass replacement parts will end up being extra typical as well as get less expensive as the phones obtain older i'' ll attempt to link some in the video clip description as they appear display substitutes aren'' t super difficult on iphones and also with the loss of 3d touch the display is really thinner as well as leaves even more room for the larger battery speaking of which i'' ve had a couple of ask for a straight up tidy video shot of the internals so do not hesitate to screenshot this crop it and use it as your phone wallpaper if you desire just make certain to tag me on twitter if you do let'' s remove the front video camera as well as the face id death scanner thingy it'' s obtained two bow cables to unplug wait nope there'' s three last one sort of just snuck in there this little unit has the front 12 megapixel selfie video camera the one that can film in 4k as well as do those slow fees as well as also has the infrared dot projector and additional camera for the face id it'' s a rather trendy setup and also i ' m delighted it ' s not affixed to the screen it makes fixings less complicated the 3 rear electronic cameras each have their own bow cord affixed to the motherboard i can unclip each of those and after that the entire contraption comes right out of the phone apple truly has actually made their layout a lot more modular this year as well as i'' m a fan up on top we get the normal 12 megapixel cam with optical picture maintaining down near the bottom we obtain another 12 megapixel two times optical zoom video camera which additionally has optical photo supporting as well as over right here on the side we have a 12 megapixel wide angle camera without physical stabilizing i seem like this is the ideal arrangement and also the plan i would directly like to have at some point when i upgrade from my galaxy s8 i really feel like apple has actually ultimately brought means extra features to the table with smart devices this year and are lastly completing at the very same level of other flagships allow'' s obtain this motherboard out i ' ll unplug the billing port bow however prior to i can draw that out once more i need to switch back to the y three-way zero screwdriver there are 3 screws diminishing the ideal side maintaining this cable television with the steel brace put sideways of the phone the following 3 screws are a bit harder these are called standoff screws and they hold the motherboard in area if you don'' t have a standoff eliminator i can generally take a level screwdriver little bit as well as simply turn the screw around in the circle from one side and also as the screw appears you can see that a standoff screw is actually a screw that has a screw hole inside a screw within a screw they are frustrating to collaborate with however apple uses them to save room and also pile things on top of each various other talking of conserving space once those screws are out and the sim card tray is gotten rid of the entire motherboard prepares to find out of the phone as well as this my pals is it this is the entire point the brains and brawn of the whole apple iphone procedure is sandwiched between these 2 stacked boards one point i'' m pretty impressed with on the iphones this time around about is that all the solder attaching the circuits within this motherboard is made from 100 recycled tin you could be assuming wonderful job apple on recycling that tiny drop of tin but because apple is using recycled tin and also not only their iphones however the macbook air the ipad air as well as the ipad mini it includes up to over 29 000 statistics lots of tin ore that they put on'' t requirement to extract from the planet it'' s a quite significant success and i'' m thankful apple ' s doing it allow ' s maintain going much deeper the taptic vibrator engine is down right here below the battery near the billing port it'' s obtained 3 little screws holding it in area as well as i ' m going to set those off to the side to help maintain things organized a lot of phones you can uncouple as well as just throw the screws held or skelter but since primarily every screw in right here is a various sizes and shape it'' s very essential to maintain them organized with the steel plate gone as well as the vibe unclipped from the billing port we get our first close-up of the taptic engine it'' s great of apple to include their logo design in instance we neglected what phone we'' re taking apart this little man is additionally using 100 recycled unusual earth aspects given that we put on'' t have a limitless earthly supply of these magnets i'' m thankful apple is now experiencing the initiative to reuse and also reuse parts of their phones i'' ll remove another screw and draw off the steel plate over the microphone hole and also inspect out all that white adhesive over the hole to help maintain water out of the microphone it'' s time to remove the battery apple once more has actually included the magic pull tabs which i'' m thankful for spying out permanently glued batteries is incredibly unsafe and even if a pride as well as bent battery doesn'' t stimulate and also begin on fire right away it'' ll still be harmed internally and also will certainly begin to expand and also expand with time these pull tabs make battery elimination much more secure yeah they are still pretty delicate and also damage every now and also then but it'' s still better than what samsung is presently performing with the long-term adhesive and also their phone [Songs] apple has three pull strips at the end of each side of the battery [Songs] and also i was effective enough with most of them that the remainder of the battery can be raised up unhurt this is a 3969 milliamp hr ability which is quite a renovation over last year'' s 3174 milliamp hours for genuine apple has appeared to play this time around the speaker comes out next with its two screws holding it in position you might have observed thus far that while the apple iphone seems complicated most elements are still modular and also come out relatively quickly you can see the substantial amount of black sticky holding the loudspeaker to the frame of the phone like i claimed in my longevity test video this iphone 11 pro max is one of the most water resistant mobile phone on the market now while the majority of manufacturers have water examined their phones to a deepness of 1.5 or 2 meters deep for thirty minutes simply to get that ip68 score apple has actually gone above as well as beyond and also examined the new apple iphone 11 pros to 4 meters deep for 30 mins double the depth of what everyone else is doing hang on momentarily though check this out the speaker has lots of a bunch of those little white noise rounds i assume these white rounds help load the room inside of the small little cellular phone speaker to maintain it from seeming like a tiny little cellular phone audio speaker i'' ll secure the last nine screws for the charging port and also obtain back to that ip ranking although apple went twice as deep as everyone else they still just obtained the same ip68 ranking you'' re most likely like why didn'' t they just increase a degree to ip69'as well as that ' s due to the fact that ip69 is a totally various examination rather of submersion it'' s a high pressure as well as temperature level water jet test and also quite unnecessary for mobile phone mobile phone obtain unintentionally submerged constantly but obtaining mistakenly blasted by a fire engine is much much less typical the billing port is ultimately out of the phone that was most definitely a problem i don'' t intend to repeat the apple iphone has many detailed parts it'' s not a lot a difficult phone to fix it'' s just an extremely complicated phone to repair as well as one wrong relocation or screw in the incorrect area might trash the phone if you do wind up breaking your back glass and don'' t have insurance you can either pay apple 599 to fix it or just get a substitute real estate and also swap over each component separately yeah it'' s going to be rather exceptionally excruciating in either case apple'' s still sort of being a big jerk where that'' s worried i think you ought to just obtain a situation before it breaks i'' m quite satisfied with apple for tipping up and also going above and also past the bare minimum that they typically do this time apple has actually offered clients the specs as well as features they'' re spending for which always hasn'' t held true in the past naturally in my viewpoint androids can still complete even more i'' m not ready to switch dimension simply yet however i am delighted that apple has stepped up with adequate performance to match the price as well as is doing it with recycled and recyclable materials we can all value and sustain that i'' ll get the cam systems put back into their port they are all housed in the exact same steel block so it'' s impossible to obtain them out of placement and the same point goes with the front cams ultimately the front screen with its three ribbon cable televisions can link into the tiny motherboard and also i can start throwing down all those metal layers over the lego design bow ports the last point that gets plugged in is the battery and this little metal brace that covers the top after that we can transform the phone back on as well as when again i'' m equally as shocked as you are that this point still works i for one am thankful that apple has actually begun getting involved once again in the smartphone race and also much more so for using recycled elements technologies in both locations are good for every person i'' ll be looking right into the reusing initiatives of various other suppliers in the future so struck that subscribe button if you haven'' t currently it ' s free as well as bear in mind that the computer system the astronauts made use of to come down on the moon 50 years earlier is much less effective than the mobile phone in your pocket right currently wear'' t forget to look into the distinct web link in the summary for your cost-free audiobook as well as come associate me on instagram as well as twitter many thanks a load for viewing and i'' ll see you around

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